
Is a Coach Right for You?


I’ve had the privilege of working with amazing clients. 

Each time I meet with a new client, I’m interested to learn what brought them to invest in themselves, and commit to working with a coach.

What I discovered is their reasons for engaging me are as individual as they are.

I also discovered a common theme.

They wanted their life to be different. A new job, advancement in their career or a change in relationship. An ambitious goal to achieve or a limiting belief to be released from.  

At what point did they realize it was time to take action? Checking one or more boxes below. That is certainly what drew me to seek out my first coach.

The status quo is getting old.

You’ve started to notice that this week is unfolding a lot like last week, and when you think ahead to next week, you don’t see much change. It might feel like life is on rinse/repeat. While there is a measure of comfort in anticipating what will happen next, spending too much time in our comfort zone can drain our energy and dull our creativity. It’s time for a change and you’d like some help in exploring what that might look like.  

You’re not getting the results you are expecting.

You’ve got the qualifications, experience and know how, but you are noticing the results and acknowledgements you were expecting, and quite frankly believe you’ve earned, are not there. Is there a blind spot at play here?  Is there a disconnect between your values and those of the organization you work for? 

You’ve lost sight of your north star.

Our purpose, or north star drives our decisions, sets our trajectory and defines our goals. When the way is clear, we are energized, our potential feels limitless and we excel. When it becomes cloudy, we may notice we are faltering, our energy is depleted, and we may feel stuck. It may be time to redefine (or rediscover) your purpose.   

You’ve received feedback that feels uncomfortable.

Maybe it was a performance review that took you a bit by surprise, feedback from a client or a colleague, or a comment from a friend or family member that you took to heart.  Whether you agree or disagree, its impact has stayed with you.  Are your words, actions and mindset in alignment with how you want to show up?  

You’ve noticed your self confidence is slipping.

Feeling stuck, not seeing the rewards for your efforts, or perhaps you are not feeling as effective as you once did. Any one of these scenarios can lead us to question ourselves, and over time, may begin to diminish our self worth. It’s time to invest in yourself.    

Coaches are truth-tellers. We acknowledge strengths, accomplishments and passion, and we call out excuses, denials and rationalizations. We give our clients space to discover answers to their own important questions. We listen, very carefully, and in doing so, our clients feel known.

That’s a powerful force for disrupting the status quo, experiencing better results, connecting to your purpose, gaining clarity on how you are showing up and building your confidence.

 “There will never be a right time. Stop waiting and start doing.”

- Mel Robbins

Different is different for everyone.

What does your different want for you?