In my blog “How do values show up in your life” I wrote that values impact our choices, opinions, relationships and even our occupations.
I’d like to take that last thought a bit further and explore our values and their connection to meaningful work.
I have a friend, who at the age of 12 knew what she wanted to pursue as a career. I don’t remember the exact details of how she discovered her calling, but I do remember her telling me that she came home from school one day and announced to her mom that she was going to be a lab technician. And she did. You see, being in service to others is a value of hers (and an amazing gift). Meaningful work for her was being a lab tech, a job she loved and excelled at.
When I’ve got my recruiter hat on pre-screening candidates, one of my go-to questions is “What gets you out of bed in the morning?”
In other words, what brings meaning to your work day?
I ask this question to learn what drives the person I’m speaking with. What’s important to them? What meaningful experiences and opportunities will they be looking for in our organization? The majority of responses I hear are about being connected to something bigger than themselves. An opportunity to have a positive impact on the people around them and in the communities and world in which they live.
Bestselling author and thought-leader; Susan Scott, wrote “Embedded in the reasons we get out of bed every day and in every action that we take as individuals are our values.”
Values, there it is again. But, what do you do at 12, 24, or 42 when you don’t know what meaningful work looks like for you?
Start with what you do know.
What’s important to you and what’s non-negotiable? Where are you finding joy and contentment? When you reflect on an exceptional day or experience, what was there for you? Who were you able to be?
Consider as well that meaningful work isn’t necessarily about throwing it all away and starting from scratch. Search for what’s possible when you look for meaning (connecting your values) to your current role. Exploring what’s here is a place to discover a new perspective – observing the same scene through a different lens and recognizing what you are seeing as new. Is it a different way of being like letting go or taking on more? Is it a shift in focus to expand your skills and experience such as learning a new task or process?
““There is nothing that says you have to quit your day job to help you find meaningful work. There is also nothing that says your day job isn’t meaningful work – maybe you just never thought of it that way.” ”
Meaningful work is not what you do – it is what you are experiencing when you are doing it.
And, it is possible that it might be time for something new. Now back to that blog I wrote…
Whether you’ve explored your values or not, you’ve heard that voice in your head, or felt those sensations in your body that are trying to tell you something. LISTEN CAREFULLY, because there is important information you need to pay attention to.