
Transitions Part Two - Shifting from Neutral to Drive

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I distinguished change - the event that happens from transition, the process we move through once a change has occurred.

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In his book Managing Transitions. Making the Most of Change, William Bridges identified three stages of transition that occur as a result of change: the ending, the neutral zone and the new beginning. In Part One of this blog series, I explored the first stage of transition: ENDINGS. Now its time to explore the second stage, THE NEUTRAL ZONE.

The neutral zone is the place you find yourself after you have identified an ending.  You are literally between two stages, and it can be a difficult place to find yourself. It’s not unusual to experience heightened anxiety and difficultly focusing. Signals can easily get mixed here, and some days it can feel like you’re not just standing still – you’re moving backwards. It’s easy to understand why you might want to return to the familiar, the ending (or what is left of it) and you might find yourself willing to follow anyone who will take you there. DON’T.  

Even if you are stuck between the old and new, the neutral zone is a place where creativity can thrive.

The shift from neutral into drive can be made smoother with a different mindset, some goal setting, straight talk and a willingness to try new things. Some key strategies are outlined in the following section.


Create a new metaphor
Reflect for a moment on how you are describing the change that took place. What words are you using? If you did a tone check, what would you notice? It’s likely that if the change was not of your choosing, the story you are telling yourself and others may need a makeover. Update your story with optimistic language. It will alter the impact of the change on you, and in turn, on those you share it with.

Change it up
By its very nature, change requires you to do some things differently. During this period of transition, create space for the temporary. What can you put in place and what adjustments can you make even for a little while, to help you navigate this time of uncertainty? Embrace the opportunity of discovery.

Set some short-range goals
Feeling discouraged? Is your self-doubt making a regular appearance? Setting some short-range goals gives you something to focus on and, equally important, a feeling of ownership and control. You may not realize how resilient you really are.


Tell it like it is
The neutral zone is a dynamic place and the scenery can (and will) change, and then change again. Keep it real. Don’t oversell what you can do, and take on at this time. Remember, when you say NO to one thing, you are saying YES to something else. Consider making that YES about you and what you need during this time.

What can you learn here? Can you find new answers to old problems? What barriers can you move out of the way? What opportunities are waiting to be discovered? This is a time to try new things, test out different approaches and adopt a new mindset. 

And finally, don’t move on too quickly.
Stay for a while, as long as you need to, otherwise you run the risk of accepting the mediocre, falling into old patterns and limiting your options forward. 

“Neutral zone creativity is the key to turning transition from a time of breakdown to a time of breakthrough.”
William Bridges

Make the most of it, The NEW BEGINNING will be here soon enough.  

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